HI! I am Mickie Zada and I'm the founder of Cool Retired Women. Welcome to our group's website.
Because of dynamic structure and projection of this group, I am excited about this evolution in the Cool Retired Women.
Like you, I’m retired and that means I’m no longer working in my former career. No co-worker interaction for me any more. Ju
HI! I am Mickie Zada and I'm the founder of Cool Retired Women. Welcome to our group's website.
Because of dynamic structure and projection of this group, I am excited about this evolution in the Cool Retired Women.
Like you, I’m retired and that means I’m no longer working in my former career. No co-worker interaction for me any more. Just me and my husband 24/7!! Luckily, we enjoy each other, he makes me laugh, and we hug. I’m a hugger! Thank God for his hugs. You know what I mean??
Do you know what has kept me sane, and smiling, and connected, and feeling involved in life beyond the walls of my home and in retirement?
This Face Book group! It is a community of 40.500+ like-minded cool retired women who live all around the world. Women just like me. Just like you!
Mary recently commented:
Thank you, Mickie, for creating this Cool Retired Women's group. When I'm on Face Book I often scroll quickly past posts but I always stop and read Cool Retired Women's posts! and comments. There are always good questions and comments that are always positive. Thank you ❤️
Click on Cool Retired Women and immediately have:
** access to online friends who are excited to interact with me
** fun and inspiring posts to read,
** friends sharing pictures of their fur babies,
** conversations to be involved in,
**being a part of a safe, caring, online sisterhood,
** like-minded women sharing their joys, fears, sadness about not seeing their grandkids,
** wondering if they made the right decision to retire,
** griping and rejoicing about being stuck in the house with their spouse,
** real-life discussions about issues that I’m dealing with, too.
Cool Retired Women Face Book page was started on September 1, 2019. It quickly grew to several hundred women, I think in large part because of the name, which is very Cool! Haven’t you always been, or wanted to be, Cool??
Here’s your chance … you are a Cool Retired Woman!
The name came to me Out-of-the-Blue!!
My sister, who lives in Phoenix, retired from her corporate job on August 31, 2019 and I contacted our recently retired sister in law in Chicago to tell her “Sandi became a Cool Retired Woman like us!” I don’t know where the words came from, but they rolled right off my tongue! Voila!! I started the Cool Retired Women’s page the next day!
Soon, I was told that I needed a private group rather than just a page. So, on September 12, 2019 (5 years ago!) I formed the Cool Retired Women private group.
In the first 12 months, the group grew to over 10,000 Members!! Cool Retired Women from around the world check in with each other daily…the group enjoys about 200 posts and comments a day!! And, the group continues to grow, daily. As of January 2021 our Membership roster included 16,300+ Cool Retired Women from around the world.
today we are 40,500+ strong! We add new Members daily!
Now we are a like-minded community of women around the world!
Want to join?
Click here and answer our group questions.
Are you intrigued by the concept of an inspiring, caring, active, and supportive group of like-minded retired women? Women your age, who “get” what you’re going through right now?
Then join us! You are a Cool Retired Woman!
In June 2023, Cool Retired Women joined forces with a travel group, a division of Cruise Planners, called Land or Sea Travels. More information is available below about our exclusing travel partner.
or contact our exclusive travel agent, Barb Cardinal at bclandorsea@gmail.com
Almost two years ago we created a sister-group called Cool Retired Women Connected. It takes the online relationships to face-to-face meetings!
Cool Retired Women in local cities and towns around the world are organizing lunches, attending plays, going on hikes and other activities with Cool Retired Women who live near them.
CRW Connected is open ONLY to Members of the Cool Retired Women community! Click on the group link after you join our primary community (Cool Retired Women group) to see when and where there are Cool Retired Women Connected events in your area.
When you join, enter #your state to see where there are Cool Retired Women events scheduled near you. For example, I live in Myrtle Beach so I would enter #southcarolina to find Connecte events near me
I am so excited to welcome you into the Cool Retired Women communities! We are all learning to adjust to retiredment and we’re missing our girlfriend connection, right? 😊
The Cool Retired Women community is a breath of fresh air for safe online connection and interaction.
If you have any questions, please give me a call. 417-294-0238. My personal email is MickieZada7@gmail.com
I am happy to talk with you on the phone or through email about any questions you might have.
I look forward to you joining this dynamic group of like-minded Cool Retired Women.
With warm virtual hugs,
Mickie Zada
January 18, 2024
Hi Cool Retired Women Members.
I am Mickie Zada and I started the Cool Retired Women Facebook Group in September 2019.
Having retired in 2017, I discovered that leaving my profession meant I lost contact with women friends, co-workers, and with my identity!
I had “become” my job, and when that ended
January 18, 2024
Hi Cool Retired Women Members.
I am Mickie Zada and I started the Cool Retired Women Facebook Group in September 2019.
Having retired in 2017, I discovered that leaving my profession meant I lost contact with women friends, co-workers, and with my identity!
I had “become” my job, and when that ended I found that I floundered.
The adjustment of retirement surprised me. I discovered I am not one to be inactive or non-productive. I enjoy cheering on women to support each other, to be there, (even online) for encouragement and to build meaningful communities.
As the oldest child of seven siblings in the 1950’s, I have been an entrepreneur all my life … I started working as a babysitter, house cleaner, and took in ironing for neighbors starting when I was 10. My first “official” job, at 16, was as a waitress. After high school, I married a golf professional, went to work in the golf industry, and after a few years was co-owner of three golf facilities.
After retirement, the concept of starting Cool Retired Women came to me Out of the Blue! Surprisingly, the name and the Mission (members inspiring, supporting, and encouraging each other) immediately caught on!
What else happened in 2019 and 2020?
Suddenly our lives were shut down. Suddenly online was our only option for connecting with friends, talking about important issues, growing friendships, and creating communities.
For Cool Retired Women, Covid was a perfect storm to grow our membership.
Here we are, now a little more than four years old. Margaret Johnson and I are the Administrators of the group, responsible for creating and maintaining group rules and moderating group discussions.
Cool Retired Women ‘is a very active space. We enjoy hundreds of comments and posts a day. Every single CRW group post and comment is read every day by me or Margaret to maintain our group rules, ethics, philosophy, and mission.
Margaret and I each spend hours daily ensuring Cool Retired Women is the quality and provides the substance that we envision. We do our best to authenticate potential members before accepting them into this group. Maintaining a safe, secure, and comfortable community is our top priority, and requires daily time and attention from both of us.
What I am describing to you is a business that Margaret and I work on your behalf.
Administrating a large and active Facebook group is a lot of work and requires like-minded dedication on the part of Admins.
Cool Retired Women is a group that I have been told is the favorite of many of you! I am ecstatic to know that. Cool Retired Women group is not just a place to gossip and vent. Our focus is always on the positive side, and the advice members give to each other is vital and imperative.
The Mission of Cool Retired Women is to inspire, support, and encourage each other. From what I see, we are living our CRW Mission.
Inside the primary Cool Retired Women group is Cool Retired Women Connected. Through CRW Connected, Cool Retired Women around the world are meeting for lunch, a play, a river raft ride, a hike, or a class to spend time face to face with other CRW members. I live in Myrtle Beach and beginning over a year ago I arranged a monthly lunch here. We now have a group of 10 who meet for lunch; We don’t all show up every month, but we now seldom have fewer than 6 meet together. There are CRW Connected lunch groups around the Country now… even around the world!
One of our popular benefits is that last year I created an affiliation with Land or Sea Travel/Cruise Planners for our group’s or individual travel plans. CRW members may book travel through our exclusive travel agent, Barbara Cardinal. She has been a CRW member since late 2019, and is extremely detail and plan oriented. You will enjoy working with her when you are ready to book travel.
Over the years I have taught various classes for the Cool Retired Women group. Currently we launched our fourth series of “Wellness for Life”, a 12 week series of classes. Our discussions encompass all aspects of wellness: health, energetic, spiritual, emotional, and financial.
In the past we have offered weekly exercise classes online through Zoom, a class called “My Christmas Gift to Me”, a full series called “Who Am I Now (that I’ve retired)?”, “My Word for the Year, 2021, 2023’, and “It IS A Wonderful Life”.
For about 4 years we have offered a monthly "girlfriend Zoom conversation" with the focus being around Suddenly Being Old. It has snuck up on each of us … what does it really mean? Does Life HAVE TO change? Should be fun and interesting!
You can see that even in these first 4 years, a lot has been and is being offered through Cool Retired Women group. I have loved getting to know you, and I am proud watching how cohesively this group has come together.
Because of dynamic structure and projection of this group, Margaret and I feel excited about this evolution in the Cool Retired Women.
Thank you for choosing to move forward with Cool Retired Women, me and Margaret. This is an exciting time!
Mickie Zada
In June 2023, Cool Retired Women joined forces with a new dynamic travel partner, Cruise Planners; Land or Sea Travels.
This is a photo of our Cool Retired Women group trip, four days in Asheville, September 2023 ... our first Cruise Planners group trip! So much fun!
Barbara Cardinal is our exclusive CRW travel agent, and she has been a C
In June 2023, Cool Retired Women joined forces with a new dynamic travel partner, Cruise Planners; Land or Sea Travels.
This is a photo of our Cool Retired Women group trip, four days in Asheville, September 2023 ... our first Cruise Planners group trip! So much fun!
Barbara Cardinal is our exclusive CRW travel agent, and she has been a Cool Retired Women group member almost since our beginning! We are excited to now have her as our very own travel agent!
It is so exciting to continue our travel benefit with such a professional and well-rounded travel resource.
Please watch our Facebook Events and Featured tabs for current travel specials and offers. Also feel free to contact Barb Cardinal for any travel questions and information you are seeking!
Email: bclandorcruise@gmail.com
in June 2023, Cool Retired Women joined forces with a new dynamic travel partner, Cruise Planners; Land or Sea Travels.
Barbara Cardinal is our exclusive CRW travel agent, and she has been a Cool Retired Women group member almost since our beginning! We are excited to now have her as our very own travel agent!
It is so exciting to conti
in June 2023, Cool Retired Women joined forces with a new dynamic travel partner, Cruise Planners; Land or Sea Travels.
Barbara Cardinal is our exclusive CRW travel agent, and she has been a Cool Retired Women group member almost since our beginning! We are excited to now have her as our very own travel agent!
It is so exciting to continue our travel benefit with such a professional and well-rounded travel resource.
Please watch our Facebook Events and Featured tabs for current travel specials and offers. Also feel free to contact Barb Cardinal for any travel questions and information you are seeking!
Email: bclandorcruise@gmail.com
Slowly ... Slowly ... Time and Reality Flow and Suddenly They Are Gone
Just Waiting to Get Tired
But I Can't Change...I'm Set in My Ways
Slowly ... Slowly ... Time and Reality Flow and Suddenly They Are Gone
Just Waiting to Get Tired
But I Can't Change...I'm Set in My Ways
Nobody Else's Footsteps Lead Exactly Where You're Going
I Know...It Sounds Crazy
Monday Mornin' Commin" Down
I Got My Bloodwork Results: My Monkey and My Circus
And Suddenly You Know It's Time to Start Something New
On Being Invisible
I Doth Protest Too Much
But, I Don't Look Like a Shar-Pei
OMG! I'm 70!
I Was 65 When The Miracle Occurred
Never be Ashamed of Your Tears
Do You Want to Live Live, or
Do You Want to Escape Life?
Your Future Does Not Lie Ahead of You:
It Lies Inside You
Cool Retired Women has a YouTube channel!
Welcome to Cool Retired Women
Have you moved since retirement? What you do today matters most!
The Future's So Bright Ya Gotta Wear Shades
On Being Invisible
Cool Retired Women has a YouTube channel!
Welcome to Cool Retired Women
Have you moved since retirement? What you do today matters most!
The Future's So Bright Ya Gotta Wear Shades
On Being Invisible
Being Retired Does Not Mean Doing Nothing
When We Change the Way We Look at Things,
The Things We Look at Change
Radio Interview with Mary Smith
Gratitude and Forgivenesss... I didn't think they mattered. I was wrong!
Gray Hair ... Yes or No?
How Can I Be of Service After Retirement
If We Don't Change, Nothing Changes
The Future's So Bright, Ya Gotta Wear Shades
Recently Moved? What You Do Today Matters Most
What's More Important Than Positive Thinking?
It's A Choice: I'm a Party Waiting to Happen
I'm Taking a Risk to make a Point
Socially Distanced. Spiritually Connected. A Meditation
Look for A Glad Surprise.
A Meditation
A Brave New World: A Medittion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7B0ZCTndtg&t=6s
Create Your Happy Space: a meditation
Stay in Touch with Friends and Family in Care Facilities.
A Meditation
How Am I Spending My Time?
A Meditation
Please take a look, and subscribe!
I appreciate you sharing this channel with your Cool Retired Women friends, too! Thank you!!
Carol Stokoe Sager is our September Top Contributor of the Month
See the Facebook Group for more details.
CONGRATULATIONS, Carol, on being our very first winner!
Jo Ann Beyer is our October Top Contributor of the Month
See the Facebook group for more details
Luanne Bullard Everden is our Top Contributor for the month of November!!
YEA YOU, Luanne, and thank you for being such an active Member of this Club!
Vedie Albright was our Top Contributor of the Month of December! HOOORAAAAY, Vedie! Great job and you are much appreciated for your participation in this tremendous Club. CONTRATULTIONS!
The Top Contributor in the Month of January is Julia Owsley! YEA and CONGRATULATIONS, Julia! I'm so happy to announce Julia's award...it is well deserved! CONTRATULATIONS, Julia!
Jude Arnold is Top Contributor for the month of February! Jude has only been a Member of the Cool Retired Women's Club for three months! She joined this group to be active and meet new like-minded women and that's just what she's done! CONGRATULATIONS, Jude!!
Mollie Runkle Gibson is Top Contributor for the month of March!! CONGRATULATIONS, Mollie, and thank you for being such a consistent and inspiring Member of the Cool Retired Women's group!!
Lily Shiv is the Top Contributor for the Month of April!! Lily has been a Member of the Cool Retired Women's group for about 6 months and she has always been an active participant. YEA, Lily!! I am so excited to announce that you are our current Top Contributor! CONGRATULATIONS!!
Rebecca Hobbs in the Top Contributor for the month of May! CONGRATULATIONS, Rebecca! She will receive a complimentary logo coffee mug. Thanks so much for your active, positive content contributions to this community!
Margaret Johnson is our Top Contributor for the month of June! Margaret is a relatively new Member of the Cool Retired Women group. She has jumped in with both feet providing thoughtful and inspiring posts as well as supportive and caring support. Congratulations on your achievement, Margaret!!
Miranda Hadjichrostifi is our Top Contributor for the month of July! Miranda just joined this group a month ago and she certainly hit the road runing! Her posts are fun, inspiring and supportive. She lives near Greece, and we so enjoy her perspective! CONGRATUALTIONS, Miranda! We look forward to seeing your picture holding you Cool Retired Women logo coffee cup!
Debbie Kwiatkowski is our Top Contributor for the Month of August, and she completes our Top Contributor winners for our first year! Debbie joined this group in early June...and she has been posting upbeat information, supported other members, commenting and inspiring all of us every since day-one!! CONGRATULATIONS, Debbie, for your achievement!!
Happy International Women's Day! I love this group of caring, supportive, and encouraging ladies, and the friendships that have developed.
Thank you for creating this Cool Retired Women's Club. When I'm on facebook I often scroll quickly past post but I always stop and read Cool Retired Women's Club posts! and comments. They are always good questions and comments that are always positive. So thank you ❤️ Mary
In this season of life , it seems like we feel and see things different . Then ladies share and then you realize you’re not alone . Yes.This group is awesome !! Rebecca
Having extended issues with both of your kids really wears you down and you become critical of yourself. This group is a breath of fresh air!! Amy
I’ve been part of this group a few days & it lifts me to a new level! Love you ladies! Judy
Had yearly blood work: total 253,LDL 152, non HDL 178. Doc says statin. Y’all are gonna think I’m silly but the first thing I thought, I need to ask the girls on Cool Retired. Didn’t realize how much I value your opinion till this morning. Anyone on one? Rest of blood work ok.
I love all different advise, opinions and just life in general...your my ladies to go to...to vent! Judy
I love this group. The women are all smart, funny, beautiful and awesome!! Marylee
Everyday I am grateful for this group & the wonderful women who are members. We can share the ups & downs of life, offer & get advice, & bring joy into the lives of others. We are fortunate to have found this oasis Margaret
Such a good group!!!! We all understand each other Linda
I'm glad to have found this group of intelligent, understanding and compassionate women. Leah
I don’t know how I did without this group. I think I felt lost, and now I am found. Katherine
Hi. Just want to say this group is a God send. Best group ever. Sharing from my heart and receiving kindness has made me a better person . I'm compelled to give more to others. Very special ladies! Madeline
I hardly go on my personal page because of all politics and hate that people seem to think they have to share. I love this safe, calm space. Mollie
I love this group! I like we've known each other for yrs.and can vent/help. Alice
I am loving reading the posts. I wish I had found the group sooner! Vicki
Oh my goodness! Every time I check in, we have grown! This is such a welcoming, supportive group- welcome all new friends! Theresa
When I found this group I stayed in the background just reading your posts and listening to your hearts. I want to tell you.....I love this group and am so grateful you accepted me. You are all awesome and beautiful Paula
I love this group❤️I find myself going to the group before any other option..ooops I forgot to say after my coffeee
What BETTER place to has for help than from this Community of sisters...where two or more are gathered. Sending prayers, positive energy and peaceful thoughts. Debra
I appreciate you creating this site! It’s fantastic! Joan
This group is growing like wildfire and so many great women! I have had a little anxiety over retiring, which is definitely out of character for me. The group has helped alleviate those feelings most days. Vedie
I just love it.
Join up and see for yourself.
Great postings all the time from various members of our very special club.
I highly recommend this page to all ladies, whatever age they are!!!
Mickie Zada is a wonderful human being - Just GO FOR IT LADIES Carol
So impressed with the group and individual efforts/ contributions. Nora
WOW!!! So glad you started this group! Cathie
Welcome you will have a laugh and maybe learn a little something. Barbara
i just wanted to pop in and say hello. I just have to say I freakin love following you! You are super real! Dee
Thank you for providing this space for all of of us to enjoy our best lives, Janie
I so enjoyed reading this...it embraces my 66 year old feelings/experiences as well.. Jane
I love how this platform allows us to meet new people, and make new friends. Darlene
I love this! A positive, rather than negative, approach. Charl
Thank you for the demonstration, this is such a lovely way to calm and centre myself. I do hope you will continue to share more information and demonstrations. Pam
Hope you’re enjoying the club as much as I do..Welcome . Barbara
I like the company you keep on your Facebook pages. This should be fun 😁 Christina
Just joined last week! Love the idea of talking to women from everywhere. We all have so much in common. Retirement has been a whole new ballgame for me! Betty
I don’t know how I did without this group. I think I felt lost, and now I am found. Katherine
Thank you,Mickie for everything. Julia
Cool Retired Women's Club Merchandise is available through https://teespring.com/stores/cool-retired-womens-club-4
You can order tee shirts, sweatshirts, water bottles, canvas bags, slides, and much more with our Cool Retired Women logo!
Cool Retired Women's Club Merchandise is available through https://teespring.com/stores/cool-retired-womens-club-4
You can order tee shirts, sweatshirts, water bottles, canvas bags, slides, and much more with our Cool Retired Women logo!
Always open on Facebook and UTube
Copyright © 2024 Cool Retired Women LLC - All Rights Reserved.